Saturday, July 23, 2011

A New Direction

It has been a while since I have posted on this blog.  I know this is a common thing for teacher blogs.  Depending on where we are in the year, coaching takes our time, papers need to be graded and things need to get done.  When I last posted I decided that I need to make this blog more than just blurting out about something that I was thinking.  I think a lot.  I needed to cut out some things get a focus.  Just like at school.  There is a lot to do and there are a lot of distractions.  You have to focus on what is important.

So I have been thinking. I have to focus on a goal.  I have to keep it simple.  I have to cut out what is unessential.  Just like in a lesson.

So I decided to change the name of my blog to help me remember that.  From the moment I sat down to write the first entry here my purpose has been to grow as a teacher so that I can help my students to grow.  I want to use the past to make the future make sense.

I need to adapt to the world and the technology that is prevalent.  It is a language that the students can speak that we have to start speaking in as well.  (Would I not learn Chinese if I was teaching is China or French if I were teaching in France?) I need to understand how students view and interact with the world so that I can communicate to their understanding. I need to continue my own learning so that I can explain how the past has brought us to this moment.

There is so much to do to make sure that I achieve this goal. It is not a process that has an end.  I know that I will never be done.  (I used to think that was possible. "One day I will have good lessons and then I can just repeat them endlessly!" Ha! Sooo not the way it is.)

This is what I have decided this blog needs to be.  Where do I want to go and how am I going to get there?


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